Portada » Bitácoras » Todo un hombre de Estado » Charity vs the State

24 de Abril de 2006

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Todo un hombre de Estado
Bitácora de Juan Ramón Rallo Julián

Charity vs the State

Bueno, este lunes publico mi primer artículo en Se trata de una traducción de uno que ya publiqué en Libertad Digital:Caridad frente a justicia social. Espero que en el futuro caiga alguno más.

The State, throughout its history, has led a process of the socialization of human relationships. In its heretical desire to kill God and take His place, every government has tried to erase the person''s charitable contribution. Love, according to the leftists, cannot be the reason for helping one''s neighbor; disadvantaged people have a right to coerce the rest of society in order to improve their status. Solidarity, thus, is no longer an issue of charity and has turned into a monopoly of "social justice."

Capitalism strengthens both individual autonomy and society, the latter defined as the sum of those ties assumed voluntarily and charitably. Agreements among people benefit both parties; exchanges go beyond their materiality and become a way to satisfy the neighbor that is different from an absolute lack of reciprocity: "Man cannot live by oblative, descending love alone. He cannot always give, he must also receive."

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El gran Rallo cada día conquistando nuevos medios de comunicación :P
Enviado por el día 24 de Abril de 2006 a las 14:24 (1)
¿Aquí venden espárragos?
Enviado por el día 25 de Abril de 2006 a las 01:49 (2)
¿por qué, Erthel, te han mandado en algún sítio a freir espárragos?
Enviado por el día 25 de Abril de 2006 a las 13:21 (3)
Seguramente le han mandado, no lo dudes bastiat.
Enviado por el día 25 de Abril de 2006 a las 20:07 (4)

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