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El Impuesto Justo
Enviado por el día 19 de Marzo de 2006 a las 06:54
Este es un libro sobre liberación. Es sobre reemplazar los impuestos sobre las ganancias personales y corporativas, impuestos sobre la muerte, impuestos sobre las planillas de empleados, sobre las ganancias de capital, sobre el autoempleo ... con un impuesto sobre el consumo que se recaudaría cuando uno decida gastar su dinero. Es un libro sobre una propuesta legislativa de 133 páginas en el congreso [USA] que reemplazaría las más de 60 000 páginas de regulaciones tributarias actuales con un impuesto sobre las ventas.
La idea es simple, fácil de entender, factible, y, sobre todo, justa. Eso revolucionaría la economía norteamericana y comenzaría una nueva ola de libertad global.


The FairTax

This is a book about liberation. It's a book about replac­ing personal and corporate income taxes, death taxes, payroll taxes, capital gains taxes, self-employment taxes-all of those wonderful taxes that thrill you so much year after year-with one tax: a consumption tax collected only when you choose to spend your hard-earned money at the retail level. This book is about a 133-page tax reform bill currently before the House Ways and Means Committee that will re­place more than sixty thousand pages of IRS rules and regu­lation with an easy-to-comprehend national retail sales tax. The idea is simple, easy to understand, workable, and, above all, fair. It will revolutionize the American economy and begin a new wave of freedom around the globe.


Yes, we know. This book seems rather short. It's not three hundred pages long. Well, that's exactly as it should be. So take it to the cash register and buy it anyway.

This is a book about liberation. It's a book about replac­ing personal and corporate income taxes, death taxes, payroll taxes, capital gains taxes, self-employment taxes-all of those wonderful taxes that thrill you so much year after year-with one tax: a consumption tax collected only when you choose to spend your hard-earned money at the retail level. This book is about a 133-page tax reform bill currently before the House Ways and Means Committee that will re­place more than sixty thousand pages of IRS rules and regu­lation with an easy-to-comprehend national retail sales tax. The idea is simple, easy to understand, workable, and, above all, fair. It will revolutionize the American economy and begin a new wave of freedom around the globe.

The idea is so simple, and so good, that we felt this book wouldn't have to be long. We figure it won't take you three hundred pages to feel the same way.

El Impuesto Justo
Enviado por el día 19 de Marzo de 2006 a las 06:57

When Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848, he included ten points-goals, if you will, that must be accomplished to bring about a true communist society. Num­ber two on Marx's list was the establishment of "a heavy pro­gressive or graduated income tax." Number three was the "abolition of all rights of inheritance."1 It wasn't many years after Marx set forth these ten points that the progressive in­come tax became the goal of much of the American political and intellectual class. Eventually, this second most important of Marx's goals was accomplished-in the United States. (The death tax addressed Marx's third goal, though not completely.)

So it's no surprise that, at the height of the Cold War, a staunch anticommunist like T. Coleman Andrews would rec­ognize that America must find a better way to raise revenue than an income tax-despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that he'd just spent three years running the government agency charged with collecting that tax. Well, a better way has been found. It's called the FairTax, and you're about to learn all about it.

This is a book about taxes. It's also a book about eco­nomics. Perhaps the best thing we can say about this book is that it is about hope ... tremendous hope. It's a book about things happening every day in our country, and what we can do to change them. Every day, jobs leave this country to go to lower wage markets overseas ... and America suffers. Every day, domestic manufacturers shut their doors because cheaper goods are imported from across the oceans ... and America suffers. Every day, in­dividuals and businesses endure seemingly endless forms based on seemingly impossible rules simply so that they can pay their taxes honestly and accurately ... and Amer­ica suffers. There is a better way-a way filled with hope and promise for America's economic future-and it is called the FairTax.

Let's agree up front that this book is about honesty. And here comes an important step in establishing that honesty: This is not a book about tax cuts.
That's right. Do we want tax cuts and lower government spending? Absolutely. But that's a different book and a dif­ferent fight. Tearing out the American tax code by its roots and replacing it with something simpler is a big enough chal­lenge without trying to reform government and decrease government spending at the same time. So this book isn't about saving us a penny in taxes. We'll fight those battles later. First we have to fight for a simpler, clearer way to fund our federal government-a way that protects freedom, pro­motes individuality, and spawns economic growth.

Re: El Impuesto Justo
Enviado por el día 19 de Marzo de 2006 a las 13:30
Esto es interesante amigo Bayona; yo siempre pensé que aún en las sociedades más liberales siempre hacen falta impuestos, una sociedad sin impuestos, es, a día de hoy, impensable. La pregunta es, ¿es como un IVA o se diferencia de algo en él?¿sería ese el impuesto menos antiliberal?
Enviado por el día 26 de Abril de 2006 a las 07:14

No es un IVA ... disculpe la demora ;)

Les envío a continuación el audiobook...

Enviado por el día 26 de Abril de 2006 a las 07:16
¿Cómo mejorar la economía de un país?
Aquí hay una respuesta...

Los capítulos 10 y 14 ...


The FairTax Audiobook

1 The History of Our Income Tax

2 ... Then Came Withholding

3 The Myth of Corporate Taxes

4 Our Current Tax Code: The Cost of Compliance

5 The Embedded Costs of Our Tax Code

6 Bringing American Business Back Home

7 The Birth of the FairTax

8 The FairTax Explained

9 The FairTax Prebate: The Key to Fairness

10 Underground and Offshore Economy ... Taxed at Last!

11 So We've Done It. What Happens to Our Economy?

12 The Opposition. Where Will It Come From?

13 Social Security and Medicare Under the FairTax

14 Income Tax Outrages

15 Questions and Objections

16 Okay. Great Idea. So What Do We Do Now?


















Re: El Impuesto Justo
Enviado por el día 26 de Abril de 2006 a las 18:55
Re: Re: El Impuesto Justo
Enviado por el día 26 de Abril de 2006 a las 20:12
Re: Re: Re: El Impuesto Justo
Enviado por el día 27 de Abril de 2006 a las 10:41

Pero con ese nuevo modelo de impuesto existe un problema. Los ingresos del estado dependen mucho de la actividad económica o del consumo. Sin embargo, los gastos del estado son en gran parte previsibles (al menos eso deberían).

Incluso en un "estado mínimo", con justicia y policía-ejercito, esos gastos no me parece positivo hacerlos depender de la actividad económica.

Re: Re: Re: Re: El Impuesto Justo
Enviado por el día 27 de Abril de 2006 a las 17:14

No se si se me ha entendido o no.

Para que quiero que el estado gane más cuando hay actividad económica y poco cuando no la hay. Se supone que las tareas del estado no van a depender de esas variables.

Además, si tememos la ineficacia del estado, no debe dotarse al estado de dinero de sobra (que puede malversarse o gastar sin sentido).

Prefiero un modelo en el que se reparta el coste del estado entre los conciudadanos. Y me gusta el reparto por el que paga más el que más tiene.
