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Friedman cumple 93
Enviado por el día 31 de Julio de 2005 a las 08:25
el 31 de Julio...

aquí les dejo el audio de una lectura sobre Friedman:

Milton Friedman y el renacimiento de la Economía Clásica

lo pueden descargar en:


Happy Birthday, Milton Friedman
by David Boaz

David Boaz is executive vice president of the Cato Institute and editor of "Toward Liberty: The Idea That Is Changing the World."

Milton Friedman, the greatest living economist, turns 93 on July 31. Over his long life, he has had the satisfaction of seeing the world turn in his direction.

Friedman was born in New York in 1912, at the end of a long period of peace and prosperity. The first half of his life witnessed a series of catastrophes for peace and freedom - World War I, the Bolshevik coup d'etat in Russia, the rise of fascism and national socialism, World War II, communist domination of half the world. Happily, Friedman's parents had left Eastern Europe, avoiding the cataclysms there.

But freedom was under challenge in their adopted home, as well. The federal income tax began in 1913. World War I ushered in government planning on an unprecedented scale. Then came Prohibition, the New Deal, Keynesian economics, and a widespread feeling that the federal government could solve any problem it set its mind to.

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