Portada » Bitácoras » Orden Natural » ¿Su filosofía le causa neurosis?

2 de Noviembre de 2005

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Orden Natural
Bitácora de Juan Fernando Carpio

¿Su filosofía le causa neurosis?

Coincidiendo con el Budismo, la sico-epistemología aristotélica y randiana, y la REBT y RBT, de Albert Ellis y Maxie Maultsby II, presento (en inglés) una lista de ideas dañinas que causan neurosis:


Rational therapy holds that certain core irrational ideas, which have been clinically
observed, are at the root of most neurotic disturbance. They are:

(1) The idea that it is a dire necessity for adults to be loved by significant others for
almost everything they do — instead of their concentrating on their own self-respect, on
winning approval for practical purposes, and on loving rather than on being loved.

(2) The idea that certain acts are awful or wicked, and that people who perform such acts
should be severely damned — instead of the idea that certain acts are self-defeating or
antisocial, and that people who perform such acts are behaving stupidly, ignorantly, or
neurotically, and would be better helped to change. People’s poor behaviors do not make
them rotten individuals.

(3) The idea that it is horrible when things are not the way we like them to be — instead
of the idea that it is too bad, that we would better try to change or control bad conditions
so that they become more satisfactory, and, if that is not possible, we had better
temporarily accept and gracefully lump their ex istence.

(4) The idea that human misery is invariably externally caused and is forced on us by
outside people and events — instead of the idea that neurosis is largely caused by the
view that we take of unfortunate conditions.

(5) The idea that if something is or may be dangerous or fearsome we should be terribly
upset and endlessly obsess about it — instead of the idea that one would better frankly
face it and render it non-dangerous and, when that is not possible, accept the inevitable.

(6) The idea that it is easier to avoid than to face life difficulties and self-responsibilities
— instead of the idea that the so-called easy way is usually much harder in the long run.

(7) The idea that we absolutely need something other or stronger or greater than
ourselves on which to rely — instead of the idea that it is better to take the risks of
thinking and acting less dependently.

(8) The idea that we should be thoroughly competent, intelligent, and achieving in all
possible respects — instead of the idea that we would better do rather than always need to
do well and accept ourselves as a quite imperfect creature, who has general human
limitations and specific fallibilities.

(9) The idea that because something once strongly affected our life, it should indefinitely
affect it — instead of the idea that we can learn from our past experiences but not be
overly-attached to or prejudiced by them.

(10) The idea that we must have certain and perfect control over things — instead of the
idea that the world is full of probability and chance and that we can still enjoy life despite

(11) The idea that human happiness can be achieved by inertia and inaction — instead of
the idea that we tend to be happiest when we are vitally absorbed in creative pursuits, or
when we are devoting ourselves to people or projects outside ourselves.

(12) The idea that we have virtually no control over our emotions and that we cannot
help feeling disturbed about things — instead of the idea that we have real control over
our destructive emotions if we choose to work at changing the musturbatory hypotheses
which we often employ to create them.

Fuente: Albert Ellis, the essence of REBT

¿Será por eso que tanta gente de izquierdas es resentida o envidiosa social, o tanta gente resentida social y personal se apega y refugia bajo ideas de izquierdas? Quisiera saber sus opiniones...


Interesante. No tanto la conclusión.

En cualquier caso, ¡toda la gente "medio sana" es neurótica! Quien no tiene al menos un puntito de neurosis es o psicópata o perverso.
Enviado por el día 2 de Noviembre de 2005 a las 11:13 (1)
No, zruspa, un puntito de neurosis no te hace un poco sano ni tres puntitos más sano. Nadie es sano mientras sea neurótico. Los psicópatas y perversos no están libres de neurosis. Los sanos no son neuróticos.
Enviado por el día 2 de Noviembre de 2005 a las 11:57 (2)
Las psicopatías no son neurosis, Tranquilocomp.
Enviado por el día 12 de Noviembre de 2005 a las 18:47 (3)
Pero no hay enfermedades mentales (Szasz dixit).

Por lo cual, JF Carpio, esto que nos traes ahora no es ciencia, sino vil ideología disfrazada de ciencia para defender los intereses de la clase explotadora (la de los pacíficos y moderados) y aplastar a la clase oprimida (el resto).

;-) wg
Enviado por el día 15 de Noviembre de 2005 a las 01:54 (4)
Ah sí sí. Sólo conflictos entre premisas y la realidad, no son "enfermedades" y por eso no hay "pastillas" realmente útiles. Son malas ideas y ya.
Enviado por el día 16 de Noviembre de 2005 a las 06:53 (5)

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